How to use Ask Your PDF in Chatgpt

How to use Ask Your PDF in Chatgpt
How to use Ask Your PDF in Chatgpt

The digital landscape is evolving rapidly, and so are the tools that make our lives easier. One such innovation is the “Ask Your PDF” feature offered by AI chatbots. This feature enables users to interact directly with PDF documents, ask questions about their content, and even obtain summaries—all in real-time. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to use the “Ask Your PDF” plugin in ChatGPT, along with an alternative method using the UPDF AI tool.

A Simple Way to Chat with Your PDF Using UPDF AI

Before we dive into using the “Ask Your PDF” feature in ChatGPT, let’s look at a straightforward alternative: UPDF AI. It’s a tool specially designed to handle PDFs, and it’s super user-friendly.

Why UPDF AI is Great:

  1. No Hassle: You can ask questions about your PDFs directly without going to other websites or copying links.
  2. Summarization and More: UPDF AI can not only answer questions but also summarize the whole document.
  3. Choose What to Summarize: It can summarize, translate, and explain specific parts of the document you’re interested in.
  4. Big PDFs Are No Problem: Even large PDFs are easy to handle, and you get results fast.
  5. Edit PDFs Too: UPDF AI isn’t just for talking to your PDFs; it can edit, annotate, convert, and do more with your PDFs.

Using the “Ask Your PDF” Plugin in ChatGPT

If you prefer using the “Ask Your PDF” feature in ChatGPT, here’s how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Go to ChatGPT.

Step 2: Open Settings: Click on the three dots at the bottom left and select “Settings.”

Ask Your PDF in Chatgpt
Ask Your PDF in Chatgpt

Step 3: Turn on Beta Features: In the “Beta features” section, flip the switches for “Web browsing” and “Plugins.” Close the pop-up.

Step 4: Proceed to the Plugins: At the top, select “GPT-4” and then “Plugins.”

Ask Your PDF in Chatgpt
Ask Your PDF in Chatgpt

Step 5: Install “AskYourPDF” Plugin: Look for “AskYourPDF” and install it.

Ask Your PDF in Chatgpt

Step 6: Upload Your PDF: In the ChatGPT chat box, type “upload a PDF” and click the “Upload Document” link.

Ask Your PDF in Chatgpt
Ask Your PDF in Chatgpt

Step 7: Copy the Document ID: After uploading your PDF, copy the document ID.

Step 8: Ask Away: Head back to ChatGPT and start asking questions about your document using the document ID. For example, type “What is this document about? doc_id: xxx.”

Editing, Annotating, Converting, and More with UPDF

UPDF is more than just a tool for communicating with PDFs; it’s also a capable PDF editor. You may accomplish the following:

  • Editing: Change text, images, links, and more. You can even add watermarks or change text fonts and colors.
  • Annotating: Highlight text, underline, add text boxes, write comments, use stamps, and more.
  • Converting: Change your PDF into Word, Excel, PowerPoint, images, or plain text.
  • Organizing: Delete, move, crop, split, extract, replace, or rotate pages in your PDF.
  • OCR Magic: It can even understand the scanned text and make it editable and searchable.
  • Compression: Make your PDFs smaller without losing quality.
  • Batch Processing: Do things like conversions, printing, or encryption on many PDFs at once.


With the help of AI, you can now easily talk to your PDFs and get answers quickly. Whether you choose the “Ask Your PDF” plugin or UPDF AI, you’re in for a user-friendly experience. So go ahead, start asking your PDFs questions, and make your PDF interaction effortless.

FAQs About “Ask Your PDF” in ChatGPT

How does “Ask Your PDF” work in ChatGPT?

“Ask Your PDF” works in ChatGPT through a special plugin. You upload your PDF to the plugin’s server and then ask questions in ChatGPT using the document ID.

Can you upload a PDF file in ChatGPT?

No, ChatGPT doesn’t directly support PDF uploads. You’ll need to use plugins or external tools like UPDF AI.

What’s the best ChatGPT plugin for reading PDFs?

For reading PDFs in ChatGPT, the “Ask Your PDF” plugin is a top choice. If you prefer a direct approach without plugins, UPDF AI is a great option.

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